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2013 | 8 | 5 | 608-617

Article title

StudHeart-diabetes mellitus t.2 risk factors in senior medical students


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Introduction. StudHeart research was performed to evaluate the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) amongst the senior medical students. Material and methods. The research involved 506 students aged 22–27 (mean age 23.96±1.52 yrs) in their 5th and 6th year of the medical faculties at the Medical University of Lodz. Each of the examined students has filled out an anonymous survey comprising 12 questions, which enabled us to use the FINDRISC scale in estimation of the risk for T2DM. Analysis was performed in relation to gender. Results. Overall in 16.80% of respondents the body mass index (BMI) was >25 kg/m2. Almost all students (93.48%) admitted to drinking alcohol and 9.68% smoked cigarettes. Only 13.64% of participants exercised daily (women 8.16% vs. men 21.30%; P=0.000). Everyday consumption of fruit and vegetables was reported by 55.34% of the respondents whereas 6.92% of them (women 4.42% vs. men 10.40%; P=0.026) ate fast-food 2–3 times a week. The overall risk for T2DM was elevated in 17.2% of examined students. It is predicted that by the time participants will reach age of 45, 40.52% of them (mostly men) will have their risk of T2DM elevated. Conclusion. Despite the awareness of risk factors for T2DM among senior medical students, their lifestyle remains unchanged. In the given population it is predicted that the risk of T2DM will enhance about 2.5-fold in the next 20 years.










Physical description


1 - 10 - 2013
18 - 9 - 2013


  • Students’ Research Club at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Sterling Str. 1/3, 91-425, Lodz, Poland
  • Students’ Research Club at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Sterling Str. 1/3, 91-425, Lodz, Poland
  • Students’ Research Club at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Sterling Str. 1/3, 91-425, Lodz, Poland
  • Department of Cardiology, Chair of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Sterling Str. 1/3, 91-425, Lodz, Poland


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