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2012 | 7 | 2 | 224-229

Article title

Association between weight status and recreational drug abuse in Korean adolescents


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between weight status and recreational drug use in Korean adolescents. A total of 72,399 adolescent students (38,152 boys and 34,247 girls) from the middle first to high third grade participated in the 5th Korea Youth Risk Behaviour Web-based Survey (KYRBWS-V) project in 2009. They were assessed for body mass index (BMI) and recreational drug abuse. The associations between BMI and recreational drug use were examined using multivariable logistic regression analysis after adjusting for the covariate variables of age, smoking frequency and cigarette consumption, frequency of alcohol consumption and severe alcohol intoxication, amount of alcohol consumed, parents’ education level, economic status, sedentary activities during the week, mental stress, sleep duration, frequency of vigorous and moderate physical activities, and muscular strength exercises during the week. For boys, the odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) between overweight and drug use were 0.990 (0.723–1.356; p = 0.950) for almost none, 0.939 (0.521–1.693; p = 0.834) for past use, and 0.791 (0.385–1.624; p = 0.523) for present use. The OR (95% CI) between obesity and drug use was 0.731(0.508–1.052; p = 0.091) for almost none, 0.755 (0.389–1.465; p = 0.407) for past use, and 0.701 (0.314–1.565; p = 0.386) for present use. For girls, the OR (95% CI) between overweight and drug use was 1.112 (0.702–1.763; p = 0.650) for almost none, 1.103 (0.464–2.619; p = 0.825) for past use, and 0.927 (0.267–3.218; p = 0.905) for present use. The OR (95% CI) between obesity and drug abuse was 0.594 (0.261–1.352; p = 0.215) for almost none, 1.318 (0.462–3.764; p = 606) for past use, and <0.001(<0.001–<0.001; p = 0.998) for present use. We concluded that recreational drug use had no correlation with overweight and obesity in Korean adolescents.










Physical description


1 - 4 - 2012
3 - 2 - 2012


  • Department of Physical Educations, Myongji University, San 38-2 Namdong, Cheoin-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggido, 449-728, Korea
  • Department of Human Movement Science, Seoul Women’s University, 621 Hwarangro, Nowon-Gu, Seoul, 139-774, Korea


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