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2011 | 6 | 5 | 582-587

Article title

Combined hormone contraceptive choice experience in Czech Republic



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The aim of the prospective, multicenter project was to evaluate the effect of standardized information on the decision of woman when selecting application routes for combined hormonal contraceptives (CC). Selection the route of CC’s administration before and after consultation with the physician was evaluated on the group of 1326 women in 125 centres in the Czech Republic using a questionnaire. Analysis of the difference between the intended (4,1%) and selected (33,9%, CI 95% 31%–38%, 451 women) contraception shows that the vaginal ring preference increased by 29,8% (CI 97,5% 26,9%–32,8%, p < 0,0001). The difference for the weekly patch after (5,7%) and prior (4,2%) to the counseling of 1,4% was borderline statistically significant (CI 97,5%–0,002%–3,0%, p = 0,05). Preference of COC remained practically unchanged at 53,5%. Vaginal ring was selected by 45,2% of undecided women and 28,0% of women, who considered other than combined hormonal contraception. Easibility of application, efficacy and cycle control are the most important predictors for contraception choice. Following expert advice, including information on all forms of combined oral contraceptives, more than 33% of women chose the latest application form of combined hormonal contraceptives - vaginal ring.










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1 - 10 - 2011
9 - 8 - 2011


  • Faculty Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, 128 53, Prague, Czech Republic


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