Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, debilitating inflammatory disease of apocrine glands characterized with abscesses and nodular lesions. The treatment of Hidradenitis suppurativa consists of topical antibacterial or antiseptic solutions, systemic antibiotics, steroids, hormonal therapy, anti-tumor necrosis factor, and various surgical procedures. In this report, we present a series of 14 cases with severe Hidradenitis suppurativa. Surgical options are reviewed to show the best outcomes in the long term. A total of 14 patients (9 female, 5 male) were treated for advanced cases of Hidradenitis suppurativa. They underwent excision of the affected regions followed by reconstruction. The reconstruction methods consisted of split-thickness skin grafting and various cutaneous and myocutaneous flaps. There was no flap necrosis or dehiscence. One patient developed contracture in the axilla, for which he underwent release surgery. There were recurrences in 4 cases. There was no limitation of the arm movements in cases with flap reconstruction. In the long-term, they were satisfied with the results. In conclusion, incision and drainage should be avoided because it is of limited value. Surgical removal of the involved tissue should be the first treatment of choice. Depending on the defect following excision, local flaps should be preferred over the grafts for recurrence prevention.