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2010 | 5 | 2 | 159-164

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The use of reverse-flow dorsal metacarpal artery flaps after postburn metacarpophalangeal joint flexion contracture release


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When thermal injuries of the hand are managed inappropriately, complex hand contractures are inevitable. Patients with hand contractures may have many difficulties in their daily life because of this deformity. These patients are challenging to reconstructive surgeons. In this study we evaluated reverse-flow dorsal metacarpal artery flaps for the defects occurred after metacarpophalangeal joint contracture release of different fingers. Nineteen patients with defects on the volar surface of metacarpophalangeal joint were reconstructed by the reverse-flow dorsal metacarpal artery flaps. All operations were successful and flap losses were not seen. The DMCA flaps provide one stage coverage and permit primary closure of the recipient site. The aesthetic and functional results are satisfactory without sacrificing main arteries. The only drawback is the residual scar on the dorsum of the hand, which can be treated by conservative means and may improve over time.










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1 - 4 - 2010
17 - 4 - 2010


  • Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Unit, Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Medical Faculty, Haydarpşa Training Hospital, 34 668, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Unit, Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Medical Faculty, Haydarpşa Training Hospital, 34 668, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Unit, Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Medical Faculty, Haydarpşa Training Hospital, 34 668, Istanbul, Turkey


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