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2014 | 12 | 8 | 559-564

Article title

Study of the surface relaxation and single vacancy formation in very thin Cu (001) film by using MAEAM



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The surface relaxation and the formation of a single vacancy in very thin Cu (001) film formed by 2 ∼ 14 atomic layers have been studied by using MAEAM and MD simulation. For the surface relaxtion, the highest surface energy is in the l = 2 atomic layers. The multilayer relaxation mainly occurs between the first two atomic layers, and the maximum contractive displacement is obtained in the very thin Cu (001) film formed by l = 3 atomic layers. For the vacancy formed in l′ = 1 of the very thin Cu (001) film formed by l = 2 ∼ 14 layers, the most difficult site in the film formed by l = 3 atomic layers.











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1 - 8 - 2014
20 - 7 - 2014


  • Ankang University Ankang, 725000, Shannxi, PR China


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