The phenomenon of stochastic resonance (SR) in a tumor growth model under the presence of immune surveillance is investigated. Time delay and cross-correlation between multiplicative and additive noises are considered in the system. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is calculated when periodic signal is introduced multiplicatively. Our results show that: (i) the time delay can accelerate the transition from the state of stable tumor to that of extinction, however the correlation between two noises can accelerate the transition from the state of extinction to that of stable tumor; (ii) the time delay and correlation between two noises can lead to a transition between SR and double SR in the curve of SNR as a function of additive noise intensity, however for the curve of SNR as a function of multiplicative noise intensity, the time delay can cause the SR phenomenon to disappear, and the cross-correlation between two noises can lead to a transition from SR to stochastic reverse-resonance. Finally, we compare the SR phenomenon for the multiplicative periodic signal with that for additive periodic signal in the tumor growth model with immune surveillance.