The production of Δ0(1232)-resonances in p+12C collisions at 4.2 GeV/c was analyzed with 4π acceptance. The mass distribution of Δ0(1232) was reconstructed using an angular criterion. The fraction of charged π
−-mesons coming from Δ0(1232) decay was estimated and compared to those obtained in earlier works. The momentum, transverse momentum, kinetic energy, and rapidity distributions as well as invariant cross sections of Δ0(1232)-resonances were reconstructed in the laboratory frame. The mean kinematical characteristics of the reconstructed Δ0(1232) were compared to those of participant protons in experiment and within some of the models. The freeze-out temperature of Δ0(1232) estimated in the present analysis was compared with those obtained using different methods for Δ(1232) produced with other sets of colliding nuclei at various incident energies. The relative number of nucleons excited to Δ0 (1232) at freeze-out conditions in p+12C collisions was estimated.