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2011 | 9 | 4 | 1057-1076

Article title

Triplet superfluidity in neutron matter with Skyrme forces at subnuclear and supranuclear densities in a strong magnetic field


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Within a generalized non-relativistic Fermi-liquid approach we have found general analytical formulae for phase-transition temperatures T
c,1(n, H) and T
c,2(n, H) (which are nonlinear functions of density, n, and linear of magnetic field, H) for phase transitions in spatially uniform, dense, pure neutron matter from normal to superfluid states with spin-triplet p-wave pairing (similar to anisotropic superfluid phases 3He - A1 and 3He - A2) in steady and homogeneous sufficiently strong magnetic field (but |µn|H ≪ E
c < ɛ
F(n), where µn is the magnetic dipole moment of a neutron, E
c is the cutoff energy and ɛ
F(n)is the Fermi energy in neutron matter). General formulae for T
c,1,2(n,H) are valid for arbitrary parameterization of the effective Skyrme forces in neutron matter. We have used for definiteness the so-called SLy2, Gs and RATP parameterizations of the Skyrme forces with different exponents in their power dependence on density n (at sub- and supranuclear densities) from the interval 0.7 n
0 ≲ n < n
c(Skyrme)< 2 n
0, where n
0 =0.17 fm−3 is the nuclear density and n
c(Skyrme)is the the critical density of the ferromagnetic instability in superfluid neutron matter. These phase transitions might exist in the liquid outer core of magnetized neutron stars.










Physical description


1 - 8 - 2011
30 - 4 - 2011


  • Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Akademicheskaya str. 1, 61108, Kharkov, Ukraine


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