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2010 | 8 | 5 | 737-745

Article title

Jet methods in time-dependent Lagrangian biomechanics


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In this paper we propose the time-dependent generalization of an ‘ordinary’ autonomous human biomechanics, in which total mechanical + biochemical energy is not conserved. We introduce a general framework for time-dependent biomechanics in terms of jet manifolds associated to the extended musculo-skeletal configuration manifold, called the configuration bundle. We start with an ordinary configuration manifold of human body motion, given as a set of its all active degrees of freedom (DOF) for a particular movement. This is a Riemannian manifold with a material metric tensor given by the total mass-inertia matrix of the human body segments. This is the base manifold for standard autonomous biomechanics. To make its time-dependent generalization, we need to extend it with a real time axis. By this extension, using techniques from fibre bundles, we defined the biomechanical configuration bundle. On the biomechanical bundle we define vector-fields, differential forms and affine connections, as well as the associated jet manifolds. Using the formalism of jet manifolds of velocities and accelerations, we develop the time-dependent Lagrangian biomechanics. Its underlying geometric evolution is given by the Ricci flow equation.










Physical description


1 - 10 - 2010
22 - 7 - 2010


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