SrMoO4:Eu3+ red phosphors were prepared by combining sol-gel and solid-state route. Citric acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), employed as the chelating agents, were added to the aqueous solutions of metal nitrates. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescent spectra techniques (PL) were used to characterize the resultant powders. The results indicated the obtained SrMoO4:Eu3+ phosphors were fine powders with a particle size of 50 nm. The effects of synthesizing conditions were also investigated and optimized, which included the synthesis temperature and the activator concentration on the luminescent intensity. Compared with SrMoO4:Eu3+ phosphors prepared by Solid-state reaction SrMoO4:Eu3+ phosphors prepared by combining sol-gel and solid-state route showed appropriate particle size and a higher emission intensity.