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2006 | 4 | 2 | 223-240

Article title

The possibility of time resonance (explosion) phenomena in high-energy nuclear reactions


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This study shows that the exponential decrease of the energy spectra, accompanied by slight oscillations, with final-fragment energy in high-energy nuclear reaction, and independent of fragments, targets, projectiles, and projectile energies, can be explained under some conditions in the range of strongly overlapping compound resonances by a new phenomenon of time resonances (explosions). These time resonances (explosions) correspond to the formation of a few highly-excited, non-exponentially decaying nuclear clots (partial compound nuclei consisting of certain small groups of target and projectile nucleons). The proposed approach is an alternative way of analyzing experimental data compared with the majority of known descriptions (for instance, fireball models). This is a new and more general version of the time-evolution approach compared with the Izumo-Araseki time compound-nucleus model.










Physical description


1 - 6 - 2006
1 - 6 - 2006


  • Institute for Nuclear Research, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 03028, Ukraine
  • Institute for Nuclear Research, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 03028, Ukraine
  • Institute for Nuclear Research, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 03028, Ukraine


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