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2014 | 12 | 12 | 1255-1261

Article title

Syngas production by biogas reforming over the Co-based multicomponent catalysts


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The new multicomponent Co-based catalysts with additives of group 8 metal and rare earth elements and supported on alumina have been tested in the dry and steam conversion of a model biogas. The processes were carried out in a flow quartz reactor under the following conditions: atmospheric pressure, a gas hourly space velocity of 1000 h−1 and temperatures of 300–800°C. The catalysts were characterised using electron microscopy, BET and X-ray analysis.The methane is almost completely converted in the dry reforming of biogas at T≤800°C. Synthesis gas with a ratio of H2/CO>1.0 is a main product of biogas reforming over the multicomponent catalysts studied. Adding steam in a feed composition increases both the methane conversion and the hydrogen yield at lower temperatures. Almost complete methane conversion occurs at T<750°C in the steam reforming of biogas. The catalysts are highly effective and exhibit stable activity throughout 100 h of continuous testing.










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1 - 12 - 2014
7 - 6 - 2014


  • D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry (IOCE)
  • D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry (IOCE)
  • D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry (IOCE)
  • D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry (IOCE)


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