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2014 | 12 | 2 | 213-219

Article title

Influence of temperature on the reduction kinetics of Bi(III) ion in the presence of cystine in chlorate (VII) solutions of decreased water activity


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The results of the kinetic measurements of Bi(III) electroreduction on a mercury electrode in 1–8 mol dm−3 chlorate (VII) solutions and in the presence of cystine demonstrate a dependence of the process on the temperature. The applied electrochemical techniques (DC polarography, cyclic and SWV voltammetry) allowed for the determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters and their correlation with water activity. The catalytic activity of cystine was confirmed by the decrease in overall enthalpies of activation. The changes in the values of ΔH
≠ and ΔS
0 for Bi(III) electroreduction in the presence of cystine with the increase of chlorate (VII) concentration showed that the mechanism is different in solutions with low water activity as compared to those with high water activity. Probably it is connected with a different structure of the activated complexes (Bi-Hg(SR)2), mediating electron transfer.










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1 - 2 - 2014
27 - 11 - 2013


  • M. Curie-Skłodowska University


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