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2014 | 12 | 2 | 131-139

Article title

Oxygen decorating at the one ring and at the N-mouth of (10, 0) aluminum nitride nanotube: A DFT investigation


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We have investigated oxygen decorating in the (10, 0) aluminum nitride nanotube (AlNNT) by density functional theory. Band gaps, total (TDOS) and partial (PDOS) densities of state and chemical-shielding isotropic (CSI) and chemical-shielding anisotropic (CSA) have been calculated or determined in three models of the investigated (10, 0) AlNNT: pristine (model.0), O-decorating at the one ring in the middle of AlNNT (Model.1) and O-decorating at the nitrogen mouth of AlNNT (Model.2). The results indicated that the dipole moment does not detect the significant effects of dopant whereas TDOS, PDOS and band gap energies detect notable effects. The CSI and CSA values for the Al and N atoms-contributed to the Al-O bonds or those atoms close to the decorated region, in both models of O-decorated AlNNTs are changed.











Physical description


1 - 2 - 2014
27 - 11 - 2013


  • Islamic Azad University
  • Islamic Azad University
  • Islamic Azad University


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