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2013 | 11 | 2 | 137-139

Article title

Susceptibility to hydrolysis of phenylboronic pinacol esters at physiological pH


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Boronic acids and their esters are highly considered compounds for the design of new drugs and drug delivery devices, particularly as boron-carriers suitable for neutron capture therapy. However, these compounds are only marginally stable in water. Hydrolysis of some phenylboronic pinacol esters is described here. The kinetics is dependent on the substituents in the aromatic ring. Also the pH strongly influences the rate of the reaction, which is considerably accelerated at physiological pH. Therefore, care must be taken when considering these boronic pinacol esters for pharmacological purposes. [...]










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1 - 2 - 2013
29 - 11 - 2012


  • Laboratories of Biochemistry, Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Lazzaro Spallanzani”, University of Pavia, 21-27100, Pavia, Italy
  • Laboratories of Biochemistry, Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Lazzaro Spallanzani”, University of Pavia, 21-27100, Pavia, Italy
  • Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, 12-27100, Pavia, Italy
  • Laboratories of Biochemistry, Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Lazzaro Spallanzani”, University of Pavia, 21-27100, Pavia, Italy
  • Laboratories of Biochemistry, Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Lazzaro Spallanzani”, University of Pavia, 21-27100, Pavia, Italy


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