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2012 | 10 | 4 | 1066-1072

Article title

Chiral enantiopure bis(thio)ureas derived from TADDOL and their carboxylate complexation capacity


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New chiral enantiopure ureas and thioureas with (R,R)-TADDOL backbone were synthesized. Bis-(thio)ureas with C2 symmetry were obtained from TADDOL iso(thio)cyanates and bifunctional amino-(thio)ureas from TADDAMINE, respectively. These were tested for carboxylate recognition capacity and the association constant was determined for the most stable complex. [...]










Physical description


1 - 8 - 2012
29 - 5 - 2012


  • UMR ISM2: Chirosciences, Université Paul Cézanne, Marseille, 13397 CEDEX 20, France


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