The modified BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure has been applied to two different samples of urban particulate matters (PM). The distribution of selected trace elements As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn was investigated and, in a comparative study, the presence of common organic air filters in extraction procedures was evaluated. Analytes in separate fractions were determined by ICP-OES and GFAAS, respectively, depending on concentration levels. While, due to air filters, a significant increase of some analytes mobility in individual fractions has been observed in case of the jet-milled PM (tunnel Letna), but in case of the PKC sample such effect was not found. The analyte impurities built in some filters has been tested, and the impact on the reliability of analyte results has been discussed. The arsenic species occurrence and their stability in presence of air filters (size 47 mm) were investigated in both urban PM samples as well, using HPLC-ICP-MS technique. Water soluble and by three-step BCR procedure extractable arsenic forms are shown in chromatograms