Electrochemical oxidation of methylthiomethyleneisoquinolinium chloride (MTMIQ), the first alkylthiomethyl substituted ammonium salt, which is fully miscible with water has been investigated by voltammetric (SWV) method using glassy carbon electrode. On the electrode, MTMIQ undergoes oxidation at the potential near Ep = 0.07V (vs. Ag/AgCl/3 M KCl). The influence of the pH of buffers, amplitude, frequency, step potential on the received signal was studied. The best results were obtained with a citrate buffer at a pH of 5. The oxidation peak current used for MTMIQ voltammetric determination was in the range of 2–8×10−5 mol L−1, LOD = 3.7×10−6, LOQ = 1.2×10−5. The product of the oxidation was accumulated at the working electrode and was investigated by spectroscopic method. Mechanistic pathways of the oxidation have been proposed. [...]