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2011 | 9 | 4 | 712-719

Article title

The computational modelling of the kinetics of ascorbic acid palmitate hydrolysis by lipase considering diffusion


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This paper presents mathematical and computational modelling of kinetics of a bioelectroanalytical system based on the interfacial action of hydrolytic enzyme. A system of non-linear differential equations with diffusion is used to describe the kinetics of Termomyces lanuginosa lipase (TLL) catalyzed hydrolysis of L-ascorbic acid palmitate (AAP). The system was solved numerically, and the kinetic prameters of AAP hydrolysis by the enzyme were determined. The experimental and modelling results show linear dependence of the rate of AAP hydrolysis on the TLL concentration. Complex dependence of the initial rate of bioelectrocatalytic current increase on the thickness of total diffusion layer (hydrodynamic diffusion layer plus thickness of dialysis membrane on the electrode surface) is also demonstrated and explained. [...]










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1 - 8 - 2011
4 - 6 - 2011


  • Department of Computer Science, Vilnius University, LT-03225, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Institute of Biochemistry, Vilnius University, LT-08662, Vilnius, Lithuania


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