Nax−yHyTi2−xFexO4·nH2O nanosheets with lepidocrocite-like layered structure were produced through alkaline hydrothermal treatment at very low temperatures (130°C) from ilmenite sand. The crystal structure, morphology and optical properties were investigated by X-Ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, energy dispersive spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The product shows leaf-like nanosheet morphology with thickness <30 nm and lengths <1 µm. Three lepidocrocite-like titanates (Imm2 space group) with similar a and c lattice parameters but different interlayer distances (b/2) were identified. This appears to be the first preparation of lepidocrocite-like layered nanosheets by a simple, energy efficient (low temperature) and low cost (starting from mineral sand) procedure.