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2010 | 8 | 5 | 1041-1046

Article title

Effect of the polymeric coating over Fe3O4 particles used for magnetic separation


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In this work, the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles by two variant chemical coprecipitation methods that involve reflux and aging conditions was investigated. The influence of the synthesis conditions on particle size, morphology, magnetic properties and protein adsorption were studied. The synthesized magnetite nanoparticles showed a spherical shape with an average particle size directly influenced by the synthesis technique. Particles of average size 27 nm and 200 nm were obtained. When the coprecipitation method was used without reflux and aging, the smallest particles were obtained. Magnetite nanoparticles obtained from both methods exhibited a superparamagnetic behavior and their saturation magnetization was particle size dependent. Values of 67 and 78 emu g−1 were obtained for the 27 nm and 200 nm magnetite particles, respectively. The nanoparticles were coated with silica, aminosilane, and silica-aminosilane shell. The influence of the coating on protein absorption was studied using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein. [...]










Physical description


1 - 10 - 2010
5 - 9 - 2010


  • Institute of Engineering and Technology, Autonomous University of Juarez City, C.P. 32320, Juarez City, Mexico
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology, Autonomous University of Juarez City, C.P. 32320, Juarez City, Mexico
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology, Autonomous University of Juarez City, C.P. 32320, Juarez City, Mexico
  • Autonomous University of Chihuahua, C.P. 3100, Chihuahua, Mexico
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology, Autonomous University of Juarez City, C.P. 32320, Juarez City, Mexico


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