Sulphur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy was used to identify sulphur compounds in PM10 samples collected simultaneously at two sites with different environmental situations in the province of Trieste (NE of Italy), during summer and winter seasons respectively. The first site is an industrial site located near a steel mill plant and the second is a coastal site. The sulphur speciation at the industrial site has shown the presence of the following sulphur compounds in both seasons: organic compounds (thiophenes or Polycyclic Aromatic Sulphur Heterocycles - PAHs) and sulphates while in the winter season sulphites were also present. In the coastal site organic compounds (thiophenes or PASHs) and sulphate were found during winter season, moreover bisulphates were found during summer season. Relative percentages of the different sulphur compounds have shown that sulphate is the most abundant form of sulphur in the industrial site samples during both seasons and in the coastal site sample collected during the winter season (> 98%); in the coastal site sample collected during the summer season the relative percentages of bisulphate and sulphate were around 40% and 60% respectively. [...]