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2009 | 7 | 3 | 382-387

Article title

Ultrasound assisted pseudo-digestion for determination of iron and manganese in citric acid fermentation mediums by electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy


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A sensitive, simple and rapid method for ultra-trace determination of iron and manganese based on ultrasound assisted pseudodigestion in citric acid fermentation medium samples (beet and cane molasses and raw sugar based mediums) is described. Parameters influencing pseudo-digestion, such as sonication time, sample mass and solvent system were fully optimized. Final solutions obtained upon sonication were analyzed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). The best conditions for metal pseudo-digestion were as follows: a 25, 30 and 20 min sonication time for beet molasses, cane molasses and raw sugar based medium samples, respectively, 0.7 g sample mass of raw sugar based samples, 0.5 g sample mass of molasses based samples and an extraction mixture of concentrated HNO3-H2O2, in 25 mL of solvent. Analytical results obtained for the two metals by ultrasound assisted pseudo-digestion and conventional wet digestion methods showed a good agreement. This method reduces the time required for all treatments (heating to dryness, cooling and separation) in comparison with conventional wet digestion method. The accuracy of the method was tested by comparing the obtained results with that of conventional wet digestion method. [...]










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1 - 9 - 2009
21 - 6 - 2009


  • Research and Development Center, Kimia Gharb Gostar Industrial Company, 17136-94881, Kermanshah, Iran
  • Research and Development Center, Kimia Gharb Gostar Industrial Company, 17136-94881, Kermanshah, Iran
  • Research and Development Center, Kimia Gharb Gostar Industrial Company, 17136-94881, Kermanshah, Iran
  • Research and Development Center, Kimia Gharb Gostar Industrial Company, 17136-94881, Kermanshah, Iran


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