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2008 | 6 | 2 | 199-207

Article title

Electrochemical preparation and in situ characterization of poly(3-methylpyrrole) and poly(3-methylpyrrole-cyclodextrin) films on gold electrodes


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A Electrosynthesis of conducting poly(3-methylpyrrole) (P3MPy) and poly(3-methylpyrrole-2,6-dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin) (poly(3MPy-β-DMCD)) films on a gold electrode in acetonitrile electrolyte solution containing lithium perchlorate has been carried out by potential cycling. Products were characterized with cyclic voltammetry CV, in situ UV-Vis spectroscopy, and in situ resistance measurements. Electrosynthesis of poly(3MPy-β-DMCD) started with a (1:1) (3MPy-β-DMCD) supramolecular cyclodextrin CD complex of 3-methylpyrrole characterized with proton NMR spectroscopy. The oxidation peak of poly(3MPy-β-DMCD) in CVs is shifted to more positive values than P3MPy. In situ resistance measurements show that the resistance of poly(3MPy-β-DMCD) is higher than of P3MPy by approximately an order of magnitude. Minimum resistance can be observed for P3MPy and poly(3MPy-β-DMCD) at 0.40 E Ag/AgClE Ag/AgClIn situ UV-Vis spectroelectrochemical data for both films prepared potentiodynamically by cycling the potential in the range −0.20 E Ag/AgCl [...]










Physical description


1 - 6 - 2008
17 - 4 - 2008


  • Institut für Chemie, AG Elektrochemie, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 09107, Chemnitz, Germany
  • Institut für Chemie, AG Elektrochemie, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 09107, Chemnitz, Germany


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