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Professional Development of Physiotherapy Students During Msc Studies


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Introduction: Lack of legal regulations regarding the profession of physiotherapist in Poland results in lack of formal obligation to develop professionally which characterises other medical professions. Physiotherapists may raise their qualifications by participating in specialisation courses commissioned by the Medical Centre of Postgraduate Studies (Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego). Outside the system of education, the education market offers a wide array of courses and professional training schemes. Physiotherapy students, especially MSc students, take part in such courses. The following research stems from the desire to specify the range and characteristics of professional development during MSc studies as well as to establish the factors encouraging this phenomenon. Material and methods: The research was conducted using a specially designed anonymous questionnaire. The test sample consisted of 152 second-year MSc students studying physiotherapy at a public physical education academy. Results: 3/4 of the research respondents participate in various forms of professional development available on the market, while 1/4 remain passive. Half of the students tested participated in two or more courses during their studies. Massage, physiotherapeutic methods, kinesio taping and manual therapy are the most popular course choices. Most often (62% of cases) the costs of such courses amount up to 5,000 PLN, one fifth of the students allocates up to 10,000 PLN for this purpose. The courses are mainly financed by the students' families or by the students themselves. Some social characteristics and studying conditions are factors conductive to undertaking such activity. Conclusions: Raising qualifications during studies is a widespread phenomenon. The aim of participation in courses is mainly to supplement knowledge with additional information, not available during studies. The main motives underlying such activity are cognitive reasons and improvement of one's situation in the work market.









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1 - 3 - 2014
6 - 6 - 2014


  • Katedra Psychospołecznych Podstaw Rehabilitacji i Bioetyki, AWF w Warszawie
  • Katedra Psychospołecznych Podstaw Rehabilitacji i Bioetyki, AWF w Warszawie


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