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2013 | 27 | 4 | 21-29

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The impact of kinesiotherapy on blood pressure in patients undergoing systemic cryotherapy treatment


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Introduction: It is proven that the influence it has when used locally is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiedematous, it reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation. It has overall beneficial effect in systemic use. Cryotherapy causes strong reactions involving their vascular spasm, with the dynamic relaxation after that. Cryotherapy treatment is recommended e.g. in cases of musculoskeletal diseases, the diseases of the nervous system and depressive disorders. There are many medical contraindications to the use of cryotherapy treatment, especially to systemic cryotherapy treatment. One of them is unregulated high blood pressure (hypertension). The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of systemic cryotherapy treatment followed by kinesiotherapy on the behavior of blood pressure on the patients with normal blood pressure, and patients with high blood pressure. Material and methods: For this study it was examined 51 patients, including men and women. 45% of them were also diagnosed with hypertension. All patients were undergoing 10 systemic cryotherapy treatments following normal procedure. Immediately after cryotherapy treatment, each patient was directed to the kinesiotherapy treatment. During the study, blood pressure measurements were made. The results of blood pressure measurements were statistically analyzed for the entire study group, for the group of patients diagnosed without hypertension and for the group with hypertension. Results: Comparison of changes in the behavior of the blood pressure in each group of patients showed that after a series of 10 treatments, there was a decrease of blood pressure (both, systolic and diastolic). Among all patients and in the group of patients with hypertension, there was a clear tendency to increase of systolic blood pressure in each case immediately after cryotherapy. In all groups of patients, after kinesiotherapy there was a tendency to decrease the blood pressure.Conclusions: The results showed that a series of systemic cryotherapy treatments followed by kinesiotherapy causes reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure on patients without hypertension, and patients with diagnosed and well-controlled hypertension. Patients with high blood pressure during systemic cryotherapy treatment should undergo a special medical care.









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1 - 12 - 2013
25 - 4 - 2014


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