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2012 | 26 | 2 | 63-70

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Susceptibility to injury during a fall among blind children


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Introduction: The aim of this study was examine the relationship between ability of safe falls and occurrence injuries from the effect of falls, among blind children.Material and methods: More than one hundred children (10-16 years old) was in research and control groups. In the research group was 51 blind people, in control group 66 sighted in a proper manner. Test of Susceptibility to Injury During the Falls (TSIDF) by Kalina and interview directed to determine the number and frequency of falls and their consequences (number and type of injuries) and selected lifestyle factors were used as a research tools. Results: Blind children made more mistakes in test (TSIDF) than their non-disabled peers (although they are trained to safe falls). This may prove that a high susceptibility to injury of the children from the research group. However blind people had more injuries after the falls. Study confirmed positive effect of physical activity on the level of safe falls skills.Conclusion: Physical fitness, physical activity and especially exercises of safe falls skills can be important element of prevention of falls. This concern to high-risk groups, such as blind people.










Physical description


1 - 06 - 2012
31 - 08 - 2013


  • Zakład Rehabilitacji, Oddział Fizjoterapii, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
  • Sekcja Nauk KF, Studenckie Koło Naukowe Fizjoterapii przy Zakładzie Rehabilitacji, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
  • Zakład Rehabilitacji, Oddział Fizjoterapii, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
  • Zakład Teorii Sportu, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie


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