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Wypalenie zawodowe wśród polskich fizjoterapeutów / Professional burnout in polish physiotherapists



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Background: The professional burnout is emerging as broad social problem associated with peculiar character of work based on contacts with other people. Physiotherapists constitute one of groups especially exposed to various stressful situations which can lead to the burnout. However, in the literature little attention has been devoted to this group compared with other health service employees. There is no research about the burnout syndrome among Polish physiotherapists. The purpose of the present study was then to determine the prevalence of burnout among this occupational group and to disclose its relationship with several work- related factors.Material and Methods: Sixty four physiotherapists completed an anonymous questionnaire concerning their work and the Polish adaptation of the MBI scale.Results: The examination has shown that the level of the professional burnout in Polish physiotherapists was lower than in the other occupational groups exposed to stressful situations at work. Moreover, current study allowed for distinguishing certain work-related factors which can promote the development of burnout manifestations.Conclusions. Obtained results can be the base for future research to further explore the problem as well as to develop effective precautions program against burnout among physiotherapists.









Physical description


1 - 09 - 2011
27 - 08 - 2013


  • Zakład Psychologii Rehabilitacyjnej, Wydział Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, Polska


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