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2013 | 20 | 1 | 68-72

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Body Composition of Female Senior Inhabitants of Biała Podlaska vs Their Physical Activity


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Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyze body composition of female inhabitants of Biała Podlaska aged 60 years and older and characterized by different levels of physical activity. Material and methods. The study material were results from a survey conducted with 180 female inhabitants of Biała Podlaska aged 60 years and older (x 65.30 ± 4.68). The women were analyzed for body height, body mass, BMI and body composition. Their physical activity was determined using the IPAQ questionnaire and according to results achieved the women were classified into two groups: low physical activity (n=132), and moderate and high physical activity (n=48). The average frequency, duration and weekly energy expenditure of physical activities undertaken by the respondents were estimated in both groups. In addition, a social enquiry was conducted that enabled gathering information on the level of education, marital status and family status of the women. Results achieved were elaborated statistically. Results. The marital status 2 2 (χ2 =11.001, p<0.05) and family status (χ2 = 4.113, p<0.05) of the female senior inhabitants of Biała Podlaska were 2 modifying their physical activity to a greater extent that the educational status did (χ2 = 30.360, p>0.05). In addition, significant correlations were observed between absolute values of tissue components of the body and physical activity of the senior women. The average total energy expenditure in the group with a low physical activity accounted for 236.5 MET, whereas in the group with moderate and high physical activity - for 2255.3 MET. Conclusions. The study demonstrated that not only time devoted to physical activity but also its intensity affected the levels of tissue components. Results achieved in the survey indicate the necessity of continuing studies to examine correlations between body composition and physical activity of older population.










Physical description


1 - 03 - 2013
10 - 07 - 2013


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Anthropology and Anthropomotorics, 2 Akademicka Street, 21-500 Biala Podlaska, tel.: +48 83 3428741, fax: +48 83 3428800
  • The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska, Department of Anthropology and Anthropomotorics


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