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2015 | 124 | 3 | 125-129

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Interpersonal Communication in Medical Profession on the Example of Physiotherapists


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Introduction. The article introduces the reader into the problem area, based on interpersonal relationships between physiotherapists and patients.Aim. The aim of the study is to learn the factors determining the quality of physiotherapeutic services. The research was carried out in relation to verbal and non-verbal aspects of contact between physiotherapists and patients.Material and method. The method used in the study was a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire.Results. Ninety-six percent of respondents state that they have no problems with making interpersonal contact with patients. Fifty-three percent of them show interest in patients during the dialogue and the remaining group only initiates the contact and limits it to personal creativity. The research shows that the gender of the respondents does not significantly affect the ways of showing interest in patients. However, the length of service differentiates their approach to patients as well as the age of the patients themselves.Discussion. Communication in a profession of physiotherapist refers to the personal preferences and interpersonal skills of the respondents, which can be determined by a specific style of their work. In addition, significantly it is determined by the level of education of future physical therapists, which was mentioned not only by the people in this study, but also in the studies cited in the literature included in the discussion.Conclusions.The quality of physiotherapy services is determined not only by instrumental preparation of a physiotherapist but also by expression that results from the interpersonal contact. Physiotherapists are aware of building relationships during the first contact. Therefore, they try to make a positive impression. In such way, the quality of treatment can be increased.









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10 - 12 - 2014


  • School of Entrepreneurship and Marketing in Chrzanów, Poland
  • Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland


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