Introduction. Low percentage of women who attend prophylactic examinations and also react early to the first symptoms of a disease is a common problem.Aim. The aim of the study was to determine demographic and environmental characteristics which had positive effects on having prophylactic gynecological examinations by women as well as to investigate what significance women's practicing of hormonal contraception had in that question.Material and methods. The study covered 430 women. The conditions of including women into the study group were as follows: age <45 years, commencement of sexual intercourses, maintaining of sexual activity, consent to participate in the study. The method of the study was a diagnostics survey using the questionnaire.Results. The majority of the surveyed women said that they attended prophylactic gynecological examinations regularly. Having prophylactic gynecological examinations was significantly affected (p<0.05) by mean monthly income per capita in the family, practicing and the type of contraception. The joint effect of the surveyed characteristics proved to be significant (p<0.05).Conclusions. The model woman who willingly attends prophylactic gynecological examinations is a young person who lives in a big city, has a university education and a very good financial position confirmed by high family income per capita. Practicing of hormonal contraception by women is a factor that has a beneficial effect on women's care of their health understood as having regular prophylactic gynecological examinations.