This article presents obtaining of nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers by reacting ordinary phosphate powder from Central Kyzylkum (Uzbekistan) with 70-90% ammonium nitrate solution at 100ºС. Chemical composition of the fertilizers was determined fully. Relevant consistence of acceptable forms of Р2О5 and СаО in the product extremely decreased by the increase of amount of phosphate raw material (PRM) in reaction mixture. The addition of phosphate additive into ammonium nitrate solution significantly increases toughness of ammonium nitrate granules and their growth velocity proportionally by phosphate powder added. Herewith, initial concentration of ammonium nitrate did not effect practically on the granule’s toughness. It is described that, phosphate additive decreases the speed of solubility of ammonium nitrate granules almost up to 1.83 times. On our opinion, decrease of fertilizer solubility is the result of growing phosphorite share in the products. The more is the phosphorite share, the more slowly dissolution process of the fertilizer granule does occur.