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Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Nitric Acid Media by some Schiff Bases Derived from Anisalidine


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Corrosion inhibition performance of mild steel in nitric acid solution containing different concentration of anisalidine derivative Schiff bases viz. N- (4-nitro phenyl) p-anisalidine (SB1), N- (4-chloro phenyl) p-anisalidine (SB2), N- (4-phenyl) p-anisalidine (SB3), N- (4-methoxy phenyl) p-anisalidine (SB4), N- (4-hydroxy phenyl) p-anisalidine (SB5) has been investigated using mass loss, thermometric and potentiostate polarization technique. Inhibition efficiencies of Schiff bases have been evaluated at different acid strength. The inhibition efficiency was found larger than their parent amines. Inhibition efficiencies of synthesized Schiff bases increase with inhibitor concentration. Inhibition efficiency increases up to 98.32% with ansalidine derivative Schiff base.









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1 - 03 - 2013
27 - 03 - 2013


  • Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ajmer, Rajasthan (India) 305009
  • Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ajmer, Rajasthan (India) 305009
  • Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ajmer, Rajasthan (India) 305009
  • Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ajmer, Rajasthan (India) 305009


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