We present a study on the performance and
analysis of hybrid solar cells comprising a planar heterojunction
between between a conjugated donor polymer,
P3HT or PCPDTBT, and hydrogenated amorphous silicon
(a-Si:H). A comparison of the modeled absorption spectra
of the layer stack with the measured external quantum efficiency is used to investigate the contribution of the inorganic
and organic material to the photocurrent generation
in the device. Although both materials contribute to the
photocurrent, the devices exhibit poor quantum efficiencies
and low short circuit currents. Bandstructure simulations
of the hybrid layer structure reveal that an unfavorable
electric field distribution within the planar multilayer
structure limits the performance. Using electroabsorption
measurements we can show that the electric field is extremelyweak
in the amorphous silicon but strong in the organic
material. The situation changes drasticallywhen the
conjugated polymer is p-doped. Doping not only increases
the conductivity of the organic material, but also restores
the electric field in the amorphous silicon layer. Optimized
hybrid solar cells comprising thin doped P3HT layers exhibit
energy conversion efficiencies (ECE) up to 2.8 %.