We report the photobehaviour of a series of eight structurally related arylacetylene derivatives, in solution as well as in pristine and PC61BM blended thin-_lms. The formation of both H- and J-aggregates in the solid state have been demonstrated, and, interestingly, an energy transfer from H-aggregates or/and from residual "unstacked" molecules to J-aggregates has been found, the latter being the only emitting species. The fuorescence quenching by PC61BM at di_erent loadings has been studied in blend films, and it has been found particularly effcient in the case of a symmetrical peripheral substitution of the acetylene derivative core. Preliminary time-resolved measurements in emission (ns resolution) and in absorption (fs resolution) con_rmed the H⟶J energy transfer and underlined the presence of delayed fuorescence from Jaggregates, formed by energy transfer from the long-lived first excited singlet state of H-aggregates. In all cases, a homogeneous surface morphology of thin films.