During the last few decades, correlative fluorescence
light and electron microscopy (FLM-EM) has
gained increased interest in the life sciences concomitant
with the advent of fluorescence light microscopy. It
has become, accompanied by numerous developments in
both techniques, an important tool to study bio-cellular
structure and function as it combines the specificity of
fluorescence labeling with the high structural resolution
and cellular context information given by the EM images.
Having the recently introduced single-molecule localization
microscopy techniques (SMLM) at hand, FLM-EM can
now make use of improved fluorescence light microscopy
resolution, single-molecule sensitivity and quantification
strategies. Here, currently used methods for correlative
SMLM and EM including the special requirements in sample
preparation and imaging routines are summarized and
an outlook on remaining challenges concerning methods
and instrumentation is provided.