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2012 | 1 | 17-26

Article title

Selective sorption of uric acid by novel molecularly
imprinted polymers


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The polymers based on ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and
dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and molecularly imprinted
with uric acid (UA), UA-MIPs, were successfully synthesized. The binding
activity of UA-MIPs towards UA was studied in depth using batch methods.
The optimized sorbent UA-MIP-7-16 was synthesized; this is an EGDMAcrosslinked
system containing 16 mol% of UA as the template. The
character of binding between UA and UA-MIP-7-16 was studied using
xanthine as a reference substance, since its chemical structure is similar
to that of UA. The studies of equilibrium sorption of UA and xanthine
from model aqueous solutions by the imprinted sorbent demonstrate the
predominance of specific UA sorption. The sorption kinetic data were
analyzed using the Boyd model and shell and core. Selectivity of UAMIP-
7-16 was further demonstrated by biochemical analysis of serum
containing UA and other components conducted before and after sorption.
UA-MIP-7-16 showed high recognition selectivity and affinity towards the
template molecule (UA).







Physical description


10 - 7 - 2012
16 - 01 - 2013
20 - 4 - 2012


  • Department of Biopolymers,
    Institute of Macromolecular Compounds,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
    Saint-Petersburg, 199004,
    Bolshoi pr. 31, Russia
  • Department of Biopolymers,
    Institute of Macromolecular Compounds,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
    Saint-Petersburg, 199004,
    Bolshoi pr. 31, Russia
  • Department of Biopolymers,
    Institute of Macromolecular Compounds,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
    Saint-Petersburg, 199004,
    Bolshoi pr. 31, Russia
  • Department of Biopolymers,
    Institute of Macromolecular Compounds,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
    Saint-Petersburg, 199004,
    Bolshoi pr. 31, Russia
  • Department of Biopolymers,
    Institute of Macromolecular Compounds,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
    Saint-Petersburg, 199004,
    Bolshoi pr. 31, Russia


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