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Heterococcus sp. DN1 draft genome: focus on cold tolerance
and lipid production


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A yellow-green alga, Heterococcus sp. DN1, was isolated from the snows
of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Heterococcus sp. DN1 displays
properties such as abundant intracellular lipid accumulation and cold
tolerance. Here we describe a number of genes discovered from a draft
genome constructed from Illumina GAIIx short reads. The genome of Heterococcus sp. DN1 is 170 Mb, with 29,080 genes giving hits within
NCBI using Tera-BLASTx. We show that Heterococcus sp. DN1 has a
large number of putative genes involved in lipid metabolism and contains
the required genes for the biosynthesis of eicosapentaenoic acid, a lipid
required for nutrition in humans. A number of putative cold-tolerance genes
are present in the genome as well.








Physical description


16 - 12 - 2013
24 - 10 - 2013
3 - 1 - 2013


  • Department of Plant Biology, University
    of Minnesota, 250 Biological Sciences
    Building, 1440 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul,
    MN 55455
  • Minnesota Supercomputing Institute,
    University of Minnesota, 117 Pleasant
    Street, Southeast Minneapolis,
    MN 55455
  • Department of Plant Biology, University
    of Minnesota, 250 Biological Sciences
    Building, 1440 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul,
    MN 55455


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