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miRNA function and modulation in stem cells and cancer stem cells


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Stem cells belong to a unique class of cells
that is collectively responsible for the development
and subsequent maintenance of all tissues comprising
multicellular organisms. These cells possess unique
characteristics that allow them to remain in a pluripotent
state, while also continuing to generate differentiated
cells. microRNAs, a specialized class of non-coding RNAs,
are integral components of the network of pathways that
modulates this combination of abilities. This review
highlights recent discoveries about the roles miRNAs
play in governing stem cell phenotype, and discusses the
potential therapeutic utility that miRNAs may have in the
treatment of multiple diseases. Additionally, it addresses a
novel mode of regulation of stem cell phenotype through
lincRNA-mediated modulation of select miRNAs, and the
role of secreted, stem cell-derived miRNAs in exerting a
paracrine influence on surrounding non-stem cells.







Physical description


15 - 1 - 2014
17 - 12 - 2014
24 - 6 - 2014


  • Program in Experimental and Molecular
    Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH,
  • Department of Pharmacology
    and Toxicology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH,


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