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2013 | 5 | 2 | 132-140

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Functional conditions of three-dimensional correction of side curvatures of the spine


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Background: This paper sets out to present theoretical and methodological premises for the therapeutic mode of conduct which utilizes FED and PNF improvement methods complemented by introduction of correctional re-education basing on the biofeedback mechanism.Material/Methods: Authors develop and present an original mode of treatment of children with the SCS, which can be divided into the following stages and targets: 1. Elimination of biomechanical pathologies of the passive stabilizing. 2. Restoration of the structure and function of local muscles and balance among muscles from the first and second reference arrangement and structures around the spine, both on the concave and convex side. 3. Posture re-education, which consists in the combination of three-dimensional active and passive correction of the spine with proprioceptor stimulation techniques, accompanied by the use of replacement feedback. In order to implement the proposed treatment programme a device called “Skol-as” was built. “Skol-as” enables a simultaneous three-dimensional action on the passive and active stabilizing mechanisms and the functional structures of the Central Nervous System.Results: Exchanged information constitutes a replacement feedback which enables additional transfer of information on the position of the body to the CNS. Therefore, this constitutes a particular complement to the proper proprioception stimulated by the structure and functionality of the “Skol-as” device, which provides exteroceptive stimuli offering the image similar to the correct, spatial layout of the body.Conclusions: The suggested method - which accommodates the latest trends in SCS treatment - may and should be applied practically at each stage of scs development. This gives both the child and the parents or the therapist anopportunity to control the improvement process. Appropriate application of the suggested method and the “Skol-as” device offers children efficient self-control of their posture, which is much easier after the application of appropriate training suggested in the method. This therapy enables not only the strengthening and changing the functioning scope of relevant muscles but also affects the mental perception and feeling of muscle tensions which leads to proper self-image and appropriate control of bodily posture.









Physical description


1 - 06 - 2013
28 - 06 - 2013


  • Olsztyńska Szkoła Wyższa im. Józefa Rusieckiego, ul. Bydgoska 33, 10-243 Olsztyn
  • Jozef Rusiecki Olsztyn University College, Department of Physiotherapy, Poland, Phone: +48 605-418-224
  • Seaside Medical Center Gdansk, Poland


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