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2013 | 5 | 2 | 106-114

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The somatic physique versus the sports result of tennis players of the Pupils’ Sports Club “Return” Lomza, Poland


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Background: Individuals who take up professional sport must comply with requirements dependent on the character of the discipline. The requirements refer to motor skills, mental state and somatic physique. A lot of authors claim that somatic physique in tennis is a factor which helps to achieve the highest sports results. Superiority of arms range in the attacking zone makes a game easier for tall players who are more effective in offensive actions as well. The purpose of the research was to estimate the somatic physique of children and youth who play tennis in the Pupils’ Sports Club “Return” Lomza.Material/Methods: The research involved 22 male tennis players and 21 female tennis players aged 7-16 from the Pupils’ Sports Club “Return” Lomza. In order to estimate somatic physique the following parameters were used: the height rate, the body mass index, the percentage of fat tissue and water in a human body. The Rohrer and the BMI index were calculated. The above results were referred to the tournaments results in which the examined competitors took part.Results: The results of research indicate a need for constant, operational and regular monitoring in a view of a larger group practising tennis, which would allow to define dependence between the style of the game and sports results in searching for directions of a satisfactory training process.Conclusions: Among the examined male and female tennis players significant variations of the examined indices of somatic physique were stated. There are no unequivocal indications as to the somatic body build for female and male tennis players in the Pupils’ Sports Club “Return” Lomza. The results of research indicate a need for constant, operational and regular monitoring in a view of a larger group practising tennis, which would allow to defining dependences between the style of the game and sports results in search of directions of a satisfactory training process.









Physical description


1 - 06 - 2013
28 - 06 - 2013


  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland
  • 3rd Secondary School Named of Soldiers of the Lomza Circumference of the Home, Army in Lomza, Poland, ul. Promienna 1, 18-400 Łomża, Phone: +48606-921-921


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