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2013 | 5 | 1 | 72-76

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The effects of model upper limb position on observer P300 event-related potential


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Study aim: This study reports on the characteristics of learners’ information-gathering processes when receiving visual motor information by examining the influence of differences in model upper limb placement on observer attention. Materials and Methods: The experiment, which was conducted with seven subjects, consisted of a visual oddball task in which subjects were instructed to push a button corresponding to the target image when it was presented on a screen. Two images were used in the task: a “front” image in which the upper limbs were placed in front of the trunk, and an “outside” image in which the upper limbs were placed outside the trunk. The variables measured were brainwaves during task performance, button push reaction time, and questionnaire responses. Brainwaves were recorded at the Fz, Cz, and Pz electrode sites and event-related potentials at the time of target image presentation were calculated. Grand mean waveforms and mean potentials were also compared for the P300. Results: Comparisons of P300 amplification grand mean waveforms and mean potentials revealed that amplification was greater in the front condition than in the outside condition. Conclusion: This finding indicates that differences in model upper limb placement greatly affect observer attention.










23 - 11 - 2013


  • Department of Childhood Education and Childcare, Mintogawa College, 1430 Yotsutsuji, Sandashi, Hyougo 669-1342, Japan
  • Department of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Norohigashi, Kusatsushi, Siga 525-8577, Japan


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