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2004 | 2 | 1 | 247-253

Article title

Hydrogen yield from water radiolysis in the presence of zeolites


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This paper reports a study of the decomposition of water by gamma radiolysis in the presence of zeolites ZSM-5, SAPO-5, and MOR. The irradiation is performed using 60Co as a source with 1.12×1015 Bq activity at a 8.3 kGy/h dose rate. The stable products of radiolysis as well as the other chemical species are measured by mass spectrometry. The calculated radiation yield (GH
2) generally decreases in the order: H-ZSM-5>Na-ZSM-5>H-SAPO-5>MOR under the given experimental conditions; the yield is higher in the presence of these catalysts than in their absence.










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1 - 3 - 2004
1 - 3 - 2004


  • Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University, 11-Carol I Bvd., 700506, Ia§i, Romania
  • Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Flemingovo 2, 166 10, Prague 6, Czech Republic
  • Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University, 11-Carol I Bvd., 700506, Ia§i, Romania
  • Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University, 11-Carol I Bvd., 700506, Ia§i, Romania
  • Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University, 11-Carol I Bvd., 700506, Ia§i, Romania


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