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2003 | 1 | 4 | 634-654

Article title

Formation and dynamics of Saturn and its disk simulated by using a new N-body model



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The formation of Saturn and its disk is simulated using a new N-body self-gravitational model. It is demonstrated that the formation of the disk and the planet is the result of gravitational contraction of a slowly rotated particle cloud that have a shape of slightly deformed sphere. The sphere was flattened by a coefficient of 0.8 along the axis of rotation. During the gravitational contraction, the major part of the cloud transformed into a planet and a minor part transformed into a disk. The thin structured disk is a result of the electromagnetic interaction in which the magnetic forces acting on charged particles of the cloud originate in the core of the planet. The simulation program gives such parameters of Saturn as the escape velocity of about 35 km/s at the surface, density, rotational velocities of the rings and temperature distribution.










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1 - 12 - 2003
1 - 12 - 2003


  • Kepler Simulation Lab, 11 Sturton Street, CB1 2SN, Cambridge, UK
  • Kepler Simulation Lab, 11 Sturton Street, CB1 2SN, Cambridge, UK


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