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2003 | 1 | 3 | 474-484

Article title

On applicability of Gibbs thermodynamics to nanoparticles


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The problem of applicability of thermodynamics to small objects has been investigated. It is shown that the Gibbs surface phase method may be extended to nanoparticles if the effective surface tension (the specific excess free energy) is interpreted as a function of the particle radius.










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1 - 9 - 2003
1 - 9 - 2003


  • Tver State University, 33 Zhelyabov St., 170000, Tver, Russia
  • Tver State University, 33 Zhelyabov St., 170000, Tver, Russia
  • Tver State University, 33 Zhelyabov St., 170000, Tver, Russia


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