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Application of the Novel (G′/G)-Expansion
Method to the Regularized Long Wave


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In this paper we investigate the regularized long wave equation involving parameters by applying
the novel (G′/G)-expansion method together with the generalized Riccati equation. The solutions obtained
in this manuscript may be imperative and significant for the explanation of some practical physical phenomena.
The performance of this method is reliable, useful, and gives us more new exact solutions than
the existing methods such as the basic (G′/G)-expansion method, the extended (G′/G)-expansion method,
the improved (G′/G)-expansion method, the generalized and improved (G′/G)-expansion method etc. The
obtained traveling wave solutions including solitons and periodic solutions are presented through the hyperbolic,
the trigonometric and the rational functions. The method turns out to be a powerful mathematical tool
and a step foward towards, albeit easily and yet efficiently, solving nonlinear evolution equations.








11 - 7 - 2015
18 - 10 - 2015
7 - 12 - 2015


  • Department of Mathematics, Pabna University of Science & Technology, Pabna-6600,
  • Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Education, PAAET, Al-Aardhiya, Kuwait


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