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2015 | 2 | 1 |

Article title

Impact of Intentional Structural Changes in
Distribution System Topology to Wind Turbine
Siting and Sizing: A Complex Network Approach


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Integration of renewable distributed generation
(RDG) units in radial distribution systems (RDS) has been
increasingly investigated by researchers since 1995. Aging
of the United States power system infrastructure intensifies
line and equipment failures. Power flow reroutes
which utilize switching mechanisms provide an essential
service by rerouting power to the end-user, thus ensuring
service reliability of the services but changing the
topology of the original network. Our study proposes a
novel analytical method called combined electrical topology
based on electrical centrality to site RDG (wind turbines)
to minimize the impact of intentional structural
changes in a RDS. In order to place RDG units, the magnitude
of the impedance matrix is used to identify electrically
central nodes common to multiple possible configurations
of power systems created by intentional structural
changes. Wind turbine sizes are identified by an exhaustive
search method. Results indicate that the proposed
method can be used to install wind turbines to minimize
the system power loss, and improve voltage profile and
power quality of the RDS, minimizing the effect of intentional
structural changes. Also results indicate that nodes
towards the end of the branches are more electrically central
than other nodes.








Physical description


16 - 7 - 2015
17 - 9 - 2015
20 - 8 - 2014


  • Department of
    Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, USA
  • Yantra Services Inc., USA
  • Department of
    Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, USA
  • Department of
    Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, USA


  • ---
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