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2015 | 29 | 2 | 39-44

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Lower limbs anaerobic performance men with intellectual disabilities


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Introduction: Persons with intellectual disabilities are faced with many obstacles in performing physical activity. The trigger may be coming from genetics, environmental factors (eg. financial), as well as psychological related, inter alia, the level of motivation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anaerobic performance of the lower limbs of men with intellectual disabilities. Another aim of this study was to compare the anaerobic performance of physically active and inactive men with intellectual disabilities.Material and methods: The participants of the study were 22 physically active men and 9 physically inactive man with intellectual disability. All participants performed a 30-second Wingate test twice. The following parameters were evaluated the mean power (MP), the relative mean power (rMP), the maximum power (PP), the relative maximum power (rPP) and fatigue index (FI). We compared the results obtained in both tests 30-second to examine the reliability and the values obtained in the test between active and inactive persons .Results: The results showed significant correlations between all power parameters studied, except for the fatigue index. All parameters of physically active group with intellectual disabilities achieved significantly better results relative then inactive persons.Conclusions: The reliability of 30-second Wingate test for persons with intellectual disabilities were confirmed. Also confirmed a higher power level inactive men with intellectual disabilities in relation to the untrained men.










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1 - 6 - 2015
8 - 3 - 2016


  • AWF Warszawa, Wydział Rehabilitacji
  • AWF Warszawa, Wydział Rehabilitacji
  • AWF Warszawa, Wydział Rehabilitacji
  • AWF Warszawa, Wydział Rehabilitacji
  • AWF Warszawa, Wydział Rehabilitacji


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