Introduction: Some contradictory data regarding the effects of inclusive physical education were revealed. The purpose of the research is to determine the efficiency of inclusive physical education for schoolchildren of I-III health groups of middle school age on the base of indices of complaints connected with health conditions, mental development, and physical activity. Material and methods: theoretical knowledge, sociological, educational, psycho diagnostics (degree of anxiety by Spielberger - Hanin, HAM: health, activity, mood) auto timing of motor activity (the Framingham method). The experimental group consisted of schoolchildren who were studying at secondary schools in inclusive terms - in these schools physical culture lessons for schoolchildren of I-III health groups were held both for practically healthy children and children with minor deviations in health status (with differentiation of tasks depending on the needs and capabilities of each child). The control group consisted of schoolchildren from the schools where the physical education lessons were conducted separately (segregatively) for schoolchildren of base, preparatory, and special medical groups. The study involved 1414 pupils of secondary school age (5-9 grades). The experimental group consisted of 694 individuals (320 girls and 374 boys) - the control one - 720 individuals (332 girls and 388 boys). Results: The trend toward the decreasing of the number of schoolchildren complaining of health condition with years of training in the experimental group confirmed the higher efficiency of inclusive physical education. Inclusive physical training lessons are less psychologically traumatic than segregative ones because schoolchildren from different medical groups in such terms suffer from the high level of anxiety less; low, often subjective, self-estimation, well-being, activity and mood are significantly higher. Positive changes in mental health are observed in the most tangible inclusive environment among schoolchildren with health deviations. Intensive everyday household physical activity and sports confirm the benefits of inclusive physical education. Conclusions: A high efficiency inclusive physical education student of I-III health groups was proved.